When chased by the Federation, Rick escapes back in time to the Egypt of another dimension.
With the help of Testicle Monster, Mr. Meeseeks and the almighty Cromulons he becomes an all powerful emperor known as Pharaoh Rickses.
In order to safeguard his plans he decides to bury all his experiments and secrets where no agents can find them, in time tomb within the mind of a mummified Morty.
This awesome design comes screen printed to perfection on a black 100% cotton Redwolf branded tee!
Concept & Design by Visual Amnesia
I am an Illustrator and Graphic Designer with ten years of experience in the highly demanding fields of advertising, entertainment, fashion, media and music. I enjoy conceptualizing, illustrating and developing designs with a cutting edge. Besides brands and consumer labels I have worked with various artists, bands, music magazines and record labels to help give an image to their music and that is what i enjoy most.